Can I change the delivery address ?
Colissimo shipment, order in Shipped-out status
Unfortunately, it is impossible to modify the shipping address of an order that has been shipped out. We advise you to check the address before confirming your order, and to check regularly that your address saved in your account is updated.
DHL Express shipments, order in Shipped-out status
Please contact your local DHL office with your tracking number to see if it is still possible to change the shipping address. If the address is incorrect or incomplete, your package will be returned to the sender. Once our logistics team has received it, we will be able to arrange a reshipment.
Order in process
Once your order has been confirmed, we have very little time to modify your address. If you have noticed an error in your address, you can send us a message with "Urgent" in the subject line to as soon as possible by indicating your order number. We will do our best to process your request but cannot guarantee it.
If you change your shipping address in your personal account after having placed an order, the new address will be taken into account from the next order only.