The draw will take place on January 7, 2025 .
The winner will be informed by email or private message on Instagram within 5 days. He/she must acknowledge receipt of his/her winnings by return email or message within the following week. If no response is received, he/she may be contacted by telephone.
If he cannot be definitively reached and without a response within this period, he will lose the benefit of his prize and a new Participant may be drawn at random.
  • One winner will win: A voucher for a stay worth €680 for 2 adults and 2 children for a duration of 24 hours in one of the Country Houses (Château de Villiers le Mahieu or La Maison du Val), valid between January 7, 2025 and January 7, 2026, excluding Saturdays and public holidays, subject to prior reservation with the Country House concerned and subject to availability of the establishment. Travel not included.

  • 1 Louise Misha gift card worth €350

  • 1 specific Oh My Cream care range worth €200

    Clarification regarding the stay in one of the Country Houses: in the event that the winner is unable to find a date before January 7, 2026, the prize will be lost.
    In the event of force majeure or if circumstances require it, the Organizing Companies reserve the right to replace the prizes won with others of an equivalent nature and value.
    The winner may not claim the cash equivalent of the prizes won or request their exchange for other goods and services, even if he or she decides to refuse them or withdraw from the Game. In this case, the prizes will be lost.